Intern Architect Application
To be eligible for Intern Architect status, you must obtain CACB certification of your professional degree in architecture.
Please review the following information before starting your application.
- Read and complete the application form carefully.
- Completion of the first page/section of the form, including creation of a password will automatically generate a username. Your username is unique, permanent and randomly generated. Please save your username and password for future use.
- Your PASSWORD must be a minimum of seven characters in length (with at least 1 upper case, 1 number and 1 special character).
- DO NOT create more than one account.
- If you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact
OAA implemented a five year fee structure whereby the Intern Architect annual fee for those enrolled in the IAP for more than five years (either consecutively or accumulatively) will be increased to equal the annual fee for an Architect licensed by the OAA.
Method of Payment
Payment of fees must be received in Canadian funds.
You may pay via Online Banking, Interac e-transfer, Visa/Mastercard, Cheque, Money Order, Bank Draft or Debit at OAA Headquarters.
The cheque, money order or bank draft must be made payable to the Ontario Association of Architects.
Fees (fees for each year are valid until December 31 of that year)
For new applications:
Applications approved between Jan.1 – June 30 – (full year fee)
Applications approved between Jul. 1 – Dec. 31 – (half year fee)
Reapplications approved between Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 (full year fee)
$218.09 (Intern Architect under five years)
Reapplications approved between Jan. 1 - Dec. 31 (full year fee)
$1142.43 (Intern Architect over five years)